Quick post: baked aubergines with mozzarella and za’atar
This came out of having a leftover pot of garlicky yoghurt dressing I’d made for some Ottolenghi recipe or other, probably the turkey and courgette fritters in Jerusalem.
Just eating garlic yoghurt with a spoon seemed a bit much even for me.
So I did that foodie thing that - come on, be honest - we’ve all done, where you “use up leftovers” by buying about four other ingredients to go with the one thing in the fridge. It worked out pretty well, so I made it more deliberately next time, and here you are.
You can muck about with the seasonings. This one has garlic and za’atar in the yoghurt, but it’ll work as well with a dab of sumac or some tahini, maybe even coriander and garama masala. Or goats cheese instead of the mozzarella. Fill ‘yer boots.
Not with goats cheese. What a waste.
Aubergines, 2 medium
Greek yoghurt, about 4tbsp
Garlic, 2 cloves
Za’atar, 1tsp
Mozzarella, 50g
A little olive oil and salt
Serves two as a main if you put something on the side. Would also make a generous starter with some good bread.
Takes 30-40 mins.
Turn the oven to about 200c
Crush the garlic to a paste and mix it with the yoghurt and za’atar. Add a little salt.
Prick the aubergines and brush them with oil.
Put the aubergines in the oven on a baking tray, and roast for 20 mins, turning half way though.
The aubergines should have softened nicely at this point. If not, give them another few minutes.
Cut a slit down each aubergine, stopping shy of the ends, and spoon half of the yoghurt into each one.
Put it back into the oven for 10 minutes. This cooks out the garlic and some of the moisture.
Remove them, put the mozzarella on top, and finish under the grill until the mozzarella sizzles and colours a little. Some of the aubergine skin will char and smoke - don’t worry, this adds a little flavour.
Serve with sides. I’ve use roasted baby potatoes and tomatoes. A salad and some focaccia would be great too.