Spinach croquetas (vegetarian and lactose free)
Felicity Cloake is probably my favourite food columnist, and one of the food writers I'm currently enjoying most overall. Gastro-bookworm synthesist probably isn't a broad demographic, but I'm in it and she hits it square on. Her ham croquetas recipe is no exception, and making it a couple of times taught me a worrying lesson: croquetas are easy enough to make that you can have them as snack/comfort food.After all, a white sauce just doesn't take that long, and you can cool it pretty fast by sticking the pan in a cold water bath. So yeah, you can bring croquetas in well under a hour and most of that will be waiting. This is bad - now I basically want them all the time.It's doubly bad if you're, say, spending a month vegetarian out of perverse curiosity and cooking dinner for your lactose-intolerant boyfriend. Given croquetas are mostly milk and the body of the flavour is ham, that probably doesn't fly. But I gave it a go anyway.This is basically my previous croquetas recipe with spinach instead of ham, and a bunch of lactose-free ingredient substitutions. The arrival of Arla's Lactofree range has helped me avoid the more irritating compromises, so I've not had to try this with soy milk or rice milk. I have my doubts about how well that would go. However, this isn't suitable for full-on dairy allergies. Lactofree don't certify their product for that. The lactose is denatured and filtered out, I think (EDIT: It isn't, see comments), but traces may remain. Essentially, your gastric-distress mileage may vary.I've put Parmesan on the list. I didn't use it, and you don't have to. It often isn't strictly vegetarian, and it certainly isn't dairy-free. But if I were just making this for me I'd grate in a load as it really adds umami.
- Lactofree milk, or other sensible substitution
- Fat that isn't butter but still tastes of something - I use Pure's soya spread
- Flour
- Garlic
- A small onion
- Spinach
- Breadcrumbs
- Optional Parmesan
![Spinach croquetas with roasted cauliflower](http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5e5e9fc80a4f5d45cfd0c96d/5e637828a377f039711c8229/5e637858a377f039711c9202/1583577176208/IMG_3398.jpg?format=original)